January 2025

Defense verdict in a brain surgery case where the allegation is plaintiff suffered a stroke as a result of negligent aneurysm clipping by the neurosurgeon.

Dismissal of case where Plaintiff alleged the doctor failed to timely intervene in an aortic dissection, leading to the patient’s demise.

October 2024

Successful defense of an urgent care facility where the allegation was a failure to timely identify and treat a suspicious finding on imaging, which led to the patient’s demise.

June 2024

Successful defense of an eye surgeon where the allegation was an error in the performance of corneal transplant surgery, resulting in the loss of vision in one eye.

February 2024

Successful defense of an urgent care physician where the allegation was failure to timely diagnose/treat meningitis, leading to the patient’s death.

December 2023

Dismissal of a case where the allegation is the plastic surgeon negligently repaired an Achilles tendon injury, leading to permanent impairment and disfigurement.

November 2023

Defense verdict of a spine surgeon where the allegation was a failure to properly perform an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, leading to significant neurologic compromise.

Successful defense of a surgeon where the allegation was failure to timely and properly diagnose/treat a pseudoaneurysm, leading to the patient’s death.

October 2023

Defense verdict on behalf of two obstetricians and five certified nurse midwives where the allegation was a failure to diagnose/intervene in a case of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, leading to the demise of a newborn. 


Successful defense of Surgery Center where it is alleged that there was a failure to timely respond to patient complaints following spine surgery, leading to permanent neurologic injury.

MAY 2023

Successful defense of an urgent care provider where the allegation is failure to timely detect and intervene for osteomyelitis.

APRIL 2023

Dismissal of Emergency Room Physicians where the allegation was failure to timely recognize and intervene in a patient with suicidal ideations, ultimately leading to his suicide.

MARCH 2023

Successful defense of an OB/GYN in a case involving shoulder dystocia.


Successful defense and dismissal of a psychiatrist where it is alleged she failed to recognize and provide a safe environment for a patient committed to in-patient services.


Defense verdict of a primary care physician where it is alleged he failed to timely detect cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, leading to the patient’s death.

Dismissal of a neurosurgeon where the allegation was failure to timely intervene in a patient suffering from orbital apex syndrome.


Successful defense of a physician who was alleged to have been negligent in the treatment of embryonic specimens for use at a future date.

Successful defense of a neurosurgeon where the allegation is negligence in the performance of spine surgery, leading to the patient’s demise.

APRIL 2022

Defense Verdict of an Emergency Room physician where the allegation was failing to timely identify and intervene in a patient suffering from hypoglycemia where it was alleged the failure led to his demise.


Successful defense of a gastroenterologist where the allegation was failure to timely identify a neuroendocrine carcinoma of the small bowel.

Successful defense of a family care practitioner in a case where the allegation was Digoxin toxicity, causing patient’s death.


Defense verdict on behalf of a colorectal surgeon where the allegation was a failure to identify cancer on colonoscopy which led to a delay in diagnosis by 25 months and the development into Stage IV colon cancer.

JULY 2021

Defense verdict on behalf of two Hospitalist Physicians where the allegation was the failure to timely diagnose and treat a mediastinal mass, leading to the patient’s death.

Dismissal of two OB/GYNs where the allegation was a failure to timely identify and treat intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).

JUNE 2021

Successful defense of a general surgeon where the allegation was a failure to timely identify and treat a bowel perforation at the time of a hernia repair.

MAY 2021

Dismissal obtained for an urgent care physician’s assistant where the underlying allegation was a failure to timely diagnose and treat an evolving, acute coronary syndrome which led to the patient’s demise.

APRIL 2021

Successful defense of a plastic surgeon in a case where the allegation was a delay in timely identifying and treating a MRSA infection leading to a destructive process in the patient’s spine. The patient alleged permanent neurologic disability as a result of this.

MARCH 2021

Successful defense of a pulmonologist where the allegation was that the patient received an excess amount of Prednisone, resulting in steroid-induced myopathy.


Successful defense of an emergency department physician where the allegation was failure to timely identify and treat an emergent stroke. The patient claimed permanent neurologic deficits as a result of this.


Successful defense of a pathologist who allegedly misdiagnosed a patient with cancer, leading to extensive surgery which ultimately resulted in the patient’s death.


Successful defense of an OB/GYN where the allegation was transection of a ureter during a total abdominal hysterectomy, resulting in permanent injury.


Successful defense of an OB/GYN for a birth injury case where the allegation is delay in delivery resulted in permanent brain damage. 

Defense verdict in Montgomery County on behalf of a long-standing, Maryland-based fuel delivery company who Plaintiff alleged failed to timely respond to a leak of home heating oil.

JULY 2019

Defense Verdict on behalf of a primary care physician where Plaintiff, decedent’s son, alleged the physician failed to timely identify and treat his mother for her chest pain.  Plaintiff alleged failure to identify this led to a heart attack and his mother’s death.

JUNE 2019

Defense Verdict on behalf of a cardiologist in a case where Plaintiff alleged she was over-prescribed Lovenox, leading to a brain hemorrhage.

APRIL 2019

Successful defense of an OB/GYN for a birth injury case where the allegation is excessive traction during delivery led to a permanent brachial plexus palsy.


Mr. McKee was named as one of the nation’s  “Lawyers of Distinction” for his work in the area of Medical Malpractice.


After receiving a case where an adverse Medicare violation had already been adjudicated against several health care providers, the Firm intervened and obtained a reversal of the decision and a finding that the health care providers complied with the applicable standard of care in treating the patient.


Dismissal obtained for Emergency Room Physician accused of failing to timely diagnose foot wound, resulting in a below the knee amputation.

Dismissal obtained for an orthopedic surgeon where underlying allegation is failure to properly perform surgery for a partial tear of the right biceps tendon, resulting in multiple subsequent surgeries and permanent injury.


Successful defense of a cardiologist where underlying allegation is failure to timely detect and treat a patient with a pulmonary embolism, resulting in her death.


Successful defense of an ophthalmologist where it is alleged that negligently performed cataract surgery resulted in decreased visual acuity, subsequent surgeries and legal blindness.

JUNE 2018

Directed Verdict at trial in favor of an orthopedic surgeon accused of failing to properly treat a compound ankle fracture, resulting in subsequent surgical treatment and permanent impairment.

Successful defense of a wound care center accused of failing to timely diagnose and treat a patient with ulcers, leading to an above-the-knee amputation.

APRIL 2018

Dismissal of a Hospitalist group accused of failing to timely diagnose a mediastinal mass, leading to the death of a patient.